Chief Priest Ahlazar BanLawya AKA The Guerrilla Hebrew debates Zadok Ben Israel on the issue of the mark of the beast on Debatetalk4u
Ahchyam debunk the so called Non Messianic Israelites and their ridiculous views and doctrine
Camp from March 9th, 2014 ahchyam tackle topics such as brothers stuck in the past, the looming world war 3 & the wickedness of the women of Israel
Exodus1715 AKA The Sect of The Sicarii meets up and has a summit with the San Diego branch of Gathering of Christ Church to discuss the name of the Most High.
Chief Priest Ahlazar BanLawya AKA The Guerrilla Hebrew featured on Sa Neter TV for his induction into the House of Konsciousness
Chief Priest Ahlazar BanLawya goes head to head with Sha'ala of Rod Of Instruction on the topic of Esau being the whiteman on DebateTalk4u
Chief Priest Ahlazar BanLawya responds and reveals flaws in theories and scholarship presented by Dr. Ali Muhammad & Shakka Ahmose.
Chief Priest Ahlazar BanLawya tackles the age old question... Should we love the 2/3rds?
A look at the Hebrew calendar for this year.
Chief Priest/Bishop Ahlazar BanLawya goes into the secret agenda of certain Israelite groups and how they sold out to the Illuminati.
Ahlazar BanLawya & Yadi go into the belly of the beast to the international headquarters of the Rosicrucian Fellowship to expose their demonic doctrine.
Chief Priest/Bishop Ahlazar BanLawya going into the mark of the beast and the various devices being used to usher it in.
Brothers go deep into the doctrine of the Afrocentrics and totally decimate it through the spirit of YAHAWAH BAHASHAM YAHWASHI
Chief Priest/Bishop Ahlazar BanLawya goes in depth through the spirit along side Deacon Tazamah Ahmath & Tazapanya regarding the strangers and the gentiles in the scriptures.
Brothers teach a lesson on the understanding of the Father and the Son.

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